Group Admin Accounts
GLU provides an organisational hierarchy where a Group can be created within which multiple separate Clients can be associated. A Group Admin Role allows a user to have all privileges across all the Clients associated with a Group.

This is particularly useful where there is a ‘federated’ Company structure where the ‘Head Office’ requires the ability to oversee all underlying Client activities. Likewise within the same Company there might be divisions that for whatever reason need segregated access to GLU.Ware. In these situations, the the Group Admin Role also provides users with the Role with the permissions to Administer (i.e. Create, Delete, Update) Clients, GLU.Engines, Roles, Users etc.
The Client Admin Account
GLU provides each Client with an Administrator Account per Application, this Administrator will have the permissions required to create users for each Application. The Client Admin Role is able to define their own Roles and to attach permissions as required to their roles. Each User Account is associated with a Role such that associated Role permissions are granted to the User.
Adding a Users
The User Listing shows all Users, their roles, which GLU.Engines they have access to, when they last logged in etc. The Action options allow a Client Admin to resend an Activation email in the event that a user Password has been forgotten for example, Users can be deleted and their profiles and permissions edited.

While the Roles within the GLU.Console are configurable, GLU recommends assigning at least 3 separate resources to the activities on the GLU.Console. This ensures an appropriate level of segregation between the different responsibilities associated with the Release Manager, Analyst and Tester functions within any typical SDLC process. Under the User Management tool, a Client Admin will see the User listing. This details each existing users credentials, the Applications each has access to and their associated permissions. The Actions menu enables these users to be deleted or edited.
Adding a GLU.Engine
Group and Client Admins can use the GLU.Engine tool and the the ‘+Add GLU.Engine’ tool to add a GLU.Engine. This will bring up the configuration panel as below.

Adding Roles
If editing a role, the ‘Edit Role’ pop-up will detail the Role name and the associated permissions. Holding the ctrl/cmd key will enable other Permissions to be selected or existing Permissions to be un-selected. Submitting will save the updated Role-Permissions association.

All Users: Profile (self) Management
This applies to all users, clicking on the Username (top left of the Console screen), the ‘Edit Profile’ Pop-up will show. Details can be edited as needed, password resets can be performed and email or name credentials updated.