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AWS ECR configuration

Configure GLU.Engine settings

To configure GLU.Engine settings for pushing Docker containers to an AWS ECR repository, follow these steps. Please refer to AWS ECR documentation for details (AWS ECR):

Step 1:

  • First a temporary token needs to be acquired through the AWS CLI command:  $ aws ecr get-login-password

Step 2:

  • Ensure that the server running the CLI commands has access to the AWS environment where the ECR repository is located. Use the aws configure command to set up access.
  • The following example shows how to view if the settings exist. Press return after each line and it will show you he value which has been set. 
$ aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [****************XXXD]:
AWS Secret Access Key [****************8996]:
Default region name [us-east-1]:
Default output format [json]:

Step 3:

  • Once the connection has been established then the get-login-password command can be used to get a password, which can be used in the GLUConsole DOCKER PASSWORD field.

$ aws ecr get-login-password

Step 4:

  • A = DOCKER IMAGE REPOSITORY , to be entered in the GLU.Engines Settings below
  • B = Must match the GLU.Engine name (See screen shot below, please also note the constraint applied to the GLU.Engine name by AWS i.e. a name like GLU_USSD_Demo will not work.)
  • C = DOCKER URL , to be entered in the GLU.Engines Settings below

NOTE: Constraint applied by AWS on the GLU.Engine name if AWS ECR is to be used.

All below the fields are mandatory:

DOCKER URL42588888888835.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.compath to the docker.io instance (C)
DOCKER USERNAMEAWSFor AWS ECR Repos. this will always be “AWS”
SKIP DOCKERfalsetrue or false, When set to false docker will be used.
DOCKER PASSWORD{Long string of characers from above}The token generated by the aws ecr get-login-password
DOCKER IMAGE REPOSITORYgluwarein docker the repository name (A)

In the example below, when this is configured and a build is executed the GLU.Console will execute the command below at the end of the build process. This will then push the Docker container 1.5-SNAPSHOT to the AWS ECR repo demo.

  • $ push 42558888888535.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/gluware/demo:1.5-SNAPSHOT

Useful AWS commands

aws ecr get-login-password | docker login –username AWS –password-stdin 92266666477.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.comto be used to log into the AWS instance of the ECR
aws ecr get-login-password If connected to AWS it will display the password, which needs to be put in the GLU Application Settings page.
aws ecr list-images –repository-name gluware/demoUseful to list the repositories which are held by the ECR, also to confirm connection is correct.
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