Max Connections
For REST API outbound connections you can control the number of concurrent connections that can be made by the GLU.Engine to each outbound connector. The default configuration for this setting is 200 Connections.
In your GLU.Engine, if the number of incoming requests exceeds the concurrent connection count configured for outbound connections, the excess requests will be queued until a connection becomes available. This is known as connection throttling, which limits the number of concurrent connections that can be made to a specific endpoint.
When the maximum number of connections is reached, new requests will be queued until a connection becomes available again. The queuing mechanism is implemented by GLU’s connection pool, which manages a pool of connections that can be shared across multiple threads. This ensures that the outbound connector does not become overwhelmed and that requests are processed in a controlled and predictable manner.
The number of inflight transactions which are spawned is controlled by; Throttle Type 2: Concurrent Requests using Thread Pools.
For each service, there is an output connection spawned in the Connection Pool to establish the connection to the outbound REST API. The number of outbound connections is controlled by the setting below. This needs to be concatenated to the outbound URI for the outbound connector. See the example below.

Where 200 is the number of connections. Note, if you have query parameters in you Outbound Connector you must use the “&” characters to separate the Query parameters, for example:
/PinlessRecharge?connectionsPerRoute=20&api_key=ugz2hd7e4ejfqcq8hkgfqqjs |