SOAP Basics
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is a messaging protocol specification for exchanging structured information in the implementation of web services in computer networks. It uses XML for its message format, and relies on application layer protocols, most often Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). SOAP allows developers to invoke processes running on different operating systems to authenticate, authorise, and communicate using Extensible Markup Language (XML). Since Web protocols like HTTP are installed and running on practically all operating systems, SOAP allows clients to invoke web services and receive responses independent of language and platforms.
SOAP Properties
When configuring a SOAP Connector using the Connector tool, at Step 2, use the Properties Tab to specify the SOAP Properties for your Connnector:

- SOAP Context Service: The Context Service uses context to express basic information about the activity. The context is identified using a URI.
- NameSpace: From the WSDL – the targetNamespace
- Service Name: From the WSDL – the wsdl:service
- Port Name: From the WSDL – the wsdl:port
- WSDL Location: Location of WSDL if not the same as the Host Environment. This could be put in a specific folder where the GLU.Engine will run. See note on ‘Use Host Environment’ below.
- Use Host Environment: This is an important checkbox. Since the accessibility of the WSDL file is verified at GLU.Engine startup time, in the event of the WSDL file location not being accessible (e.g. due to a network / connection problem), the GLU.Engine will fail to startup. In order to avoid this issue, GLU recommends that the End-Point WSDL file is copied and saved locally within the /home/GLU/… folder on the GLU.Engine server. This path along with the filename should then be entered in the ‘WSDL Location’ field which can be edited when this ‘Use Host Environment’ box is unchecked. See screenshot below for an example.

If the wsdl requires the presence of xsd files, these xsd files should be placed in the GLU.Engine root/home folder e.g. GLU/endpointAServices-1.0/
If the End Point WSDL file is updated or changed, the local WSDL file will need to likewise be updated.
Integration Builder Usage

For a SOAP connector there is no option to change the Content Type. You can setup your template and use the parameter names and GLU placeholders for the parameters as for any other content type/connector i.e. using the GLU standard notation, “${parameterValue}”:

Note how the ‘msisdn’ value is being sent as the ‘phoneNumber’ parameter.