Like GLU Functions, GLU Formulas are versatile tools for derived parameters, request, and response handlers.
Note: FORMULAs involve mathematical calculations and are always prefixed with the ‘=’ symbol. FUNCTIONs are not preceded by any symbol.
Addition Formula
The Addition Formula is implemented as follows:
=${amountOne}+${amountTwo}+${amountThree}+... |
This formula performs the summation of a set of values (Integer or Float). When utilised in a Derived Parameter, it returns the SUM of the specified values.

formulaSum =${amountOne}+${amountTwo}+${amountThree} |
- `amountOne = 2`
- `amountTwo = 3`
- `amountThree = 5`
The result is:
- `formulaSum = 10`
This shows that the `formulaSum` Derived Parameter returns the product of the values assigned to `amountOne`, `amountTwo`, and `amountThree`. In the provided example, the SUM yields a value of 10.
Multiplication Formula
The Multiplication Formula is implemented as follows:
=${amountOne}*${amountTwo}*${amountThree}*… |
This formula serves the purpose of multiplying a set of values, whether they are integers or floats. When utilised in the creation of a Derived Parameter, it yields the PRODUCT of the specified values.

formulaMultiply =${amountOne}*${amountTwo}*${amount Three} |
- `amountOne = 2`
- `amountTwo = 3`
- `amountThree = 5`
The result is:
- formulaMultiply = 30
This shows that the formulaMultiply Derived Parameter returns the product of the values assigned to `amountOne`, `amountTwo`, and `amount Three`. In the provided example, the multiplication yields a value of 30.
Division Formula
The Division Formula is implemented as follows:
=${amountOne}/${amountTwo} |
This formula is designed to divide one value, whether it is an integer or float, by another. When employed in the creation of a Derived Parameter, it yields the QUOTIENT of the specified values.

formulaDivide =${amountOne}/${amountTwo} |
- `amountOne = 550`
- `amountTwo = 100`
The result is:
- formulaDivide = 5.5
In this example, the formulaDivide Derived Parameter produces the outcome of dividing the value of `amountOne` by the value of `amountTwo`, resulting in a quotient of 5.5.