This is where you define all the possible messages that the USSD Server can deliver back to the USSD Gateway. Each messages is identified within the Menu Builder by assigning it a message ‘Code’. Since the Menu Builder supports multi-language menu’s, this is where you can define different language options for your messages by toggling the Language option at the top of the configuration panel. Note: Contact the GLU Support Desk when you need to add support for any additional language/s as these additions are associated with your Customer Account Profile on GLU.Ware and are controlled by GLU Support. If you have multi-language, remember to also complete the language-specific Max Character Length on the configuration settings -> API Interface Panel.
One is also able to pass variables in these messages by referencing the variable attribute name in the usual ${variableName} format. So for example to return a message with an ‘amount’ value that is a variable, one could define a balance notification message as follows:
مانده شما ${balance} است (if in Farci) or …
You balance is ${balance}.
In order to do this, the ‘amount’ parameter must be configured in the Response payload associated with the payload that is returned to the Menu Builder from the Integration Engine. One can send multiple variables in messages in this way e.g.
You balance on Account Number ${accountNo} is ${balance}.
The screenshot below is from the Integration Builder showing these variables in the response payload.