Screen Settings

When setting up the screen settings, it is important to note that the label given should indicate the input to be used else the user will just be displayed the label without the instruction as how to navigate there:

  • Header: This is where you can add a standard ‘header’ to all Menu, Prompt and or Result screens.
  • Main Menu: This is the code that will be available on every selected screen (Menu / Prompt / Result screen) to indicate which input can be used to return to the Main Menu.
  • Next Page: This code allows the user to scroll to the next page when pagination is applicable (where the menu options don’t fit all on one screen due to the USSD Char count limitation).
  • Previous Page: This code allows the user to scroll to previous when pagination is applicable (where the menu options don’t fit all on one screen due to the USSD Char count limitation).
  • Previous Screen: This allows the user to navigate back one screen.

These items can be ordered to your preference and will be rendered on the relevant menu’s as per the order on the console.

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