Static Parameters within the GLU.Engine are self-generated values not obtained from external systems but rather internally created. The Reusable and Static Parameters tool facilitates the creation of parameters for recurrent use across integration configurations. This tool allows for the establishment of an unlimited number of Static Parameters, each possessing a dedicated ‘Properties’ Tab within the ‘Parameter Control Panel’.
Key Characteristics of Static Parameters:
1. non-Nullable (A Static Parameter cannot be Null – Empty):
- Definition: A Static Parameter cannot be Null or Empty.
- Implication: It must always hold a value and cannot exist without one.
2. Immutable (A Static Parameter cannot be changed throughout the life of the transaction):
- Definition: A Static Parameter remains constant throughout the lifespan of a transaction.
- Implication: Its value, once set, does not change during the transaction.
Utilising Static Parameters provides a mechanism for the GLU.Engine to internally generate and manage values essential for the integration configuration. These parameters, once established, maintain a consistent state throughout the transaction, contributing to the stability and predictability of the integration process.
Static Parameter Examples
In this instance, a http_status
parameter is being configured as a Static Parameter:
Within the Parameter Manager Panel:
- The ‘Name’ field is required.
- Define the ‘Default’ field can be defined.
- Use checkboxes to indicate if the Parameter is a ‘timestamp’.
- Use the radio buttons to define the treatment of the Parameter value in the logs.
- If a Default value is set, it acts as a preset for the Static Parameter when set to null.
- It’s not possible to set a default value when the type is Timestamp.
- Setting the type to Timestamp results in the value being a DateTime structure.
- The DateTime value is assigned when Requests are received.
Choosing the timestamp type will assign the value of this Static Parameter to a DateTime structure, and this DateTime value is allocated upon the reception of Requests.
- Timestamps are saved as a ‘LONG’ format with no inherent formatting.
- To format the timestamp:
- In the Parameter Control Panel under the Un/marshaling tab, set the Date Format (default is dd/MM/yyyy).
- Derived Parameters have a function called DATEFORMAT(${yourtimestamp}.
The timestamp is set to the time when the transaction is first initiated and it is kept static throughout the flow through the application. This means if the flow moves to other transactions in the application, even though the flow is in another transaction the timestamp value will still be the same.
The diagram illustrates how it is possible to navigate between transactions, and when doing so, note that the timestamp will always stay the same:
In the Orchestration, if a Connector is called, the flow moves out of the application. When the flow returns the timestamp value will still be the same. This is the case for synchronous and asynchronous connections.
Timestamps vs NOW Variable:
- Timestamp values are static throughout the entire transaction in the application.
- In contrast, variables defined as
only reflect the time at the point they are used; they are not static throughout the transaction flow.