Reserved words, also known as keywords, are predefined terms in a programming language that has special significance and cannot be used as variable names or user-defined identifiers. These words have specific syntax and functionality in the language and cannot be redefined or used for any other purpose. The use of reserved words helps to structure and define the syntax of a language and make the code easier to read and understand.
This means they can only be used for the relevant command defined in GLU reserved words below. They can not be used as variable names in the Public Static Collection, Authentication Parameter Control, Transaction Name, Flow code or Parameter Name.
In this context, attempting to use a reserved word will triggers an automatic removal mechanism within the Integration Builder. For example, trying to add the letter “n” to “join” is not allowed, as ‘join’ is recognized as a reserved word. This protective measure ensures that reserved words are appropriately utilised in the designated contexts.
The reserved word GLU_STATUS_CODE can be used to pass the last status code from a third party ( more details on the Response Manager page).

GLU Reserved Words
- concat
- copyWithin
- dateTimeNOW
- entries
- every
- GLU_schemaName
- fill
- filter
- find
- findIndex
- forEach
- from
- Header
- includes
- indexOf
- isArray
- join
- keys
- lastIndexOf
- length
- map
- null
- pop
- push
- reduce
- reduceRight
- reverse
- shift
- slice
- split
- some
- sort
- splice
- toString
- unshift
- values