Orchestration Manager

Orchestration Manager Overview

In the Integration Builder, navigate to the Orchestration Manager section highlighted in green within the Transaction pattern. Here, you define...

Define the Receiving System Request

We can start defining the receiving systems request using the Receiving System API specification. The Receiving System API specification will...

Content Types

Content Type refers to the format and structure of the data being sent or received as part of a message,...

Pass Last Response Content Back

The Pass Last Response Content back checkbox, found within the API Response Manager Panel, is a useful tool in your...

Handling the Receiving System Response

Handling the response from the receiving system involves two main steps: To streamline the process of setting up response parameters,...

Connector Retry function

There are different ways to trigger a retry. A retry can be triggered on a timeout as well as on...

Redirect to other transactions

It is possible to redirect the flow of the transaction from one transaction to another based on conditions defined in...

Save in the Cache

If the tick box is selected, then the data value of the Parameter will be stored in memory for the...

Orchestration Response Handlers

Orchestration Response Handlers enable business rules / logic to be applied to the flow and based on those rules the...

Swagger Load

Swagger Load enables OpenAPI / Swagger files to be loaded into the GLU.Console to generate Transaction configurations directly. Linking the...
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